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诊断放射学是医学的一个分支,它利用各种先进技术来开发高质量的图像,放射科医生可以从中诊断现有的疾病过程或异常. 这些图像的诊断解释对于帮助医生治疗和护理患者至关重要. 网上买球软件的诊断放射学采用的技术包括放射照相等模式, computed tomography (CT扫描), magnetic resonance imaging (核磁共振成像), 超声波, 血管超声, 核医学, 介入放射学, central venous access device or PICC services, 介入放射学 clinic services, and diagnostic cardiac catheterization.

The 放射学 Department of 网上买球软件 operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for most modalities. Some examinations are done by on-call staff or by appointment only. 在现代设备上获取图像,并将其存档在图像存档通信系统(PACS系统)上,从而可以与医院的其他部门和医生办公室共享信息.

我们部门从周一到周五早上8点到下午6点都有经过认证的放射科医生. One full-time radiologist is on duty every Saturday and Sunday. Telemedicine services through vRad is used for after hours readings.

诊断放射科的工作人员持有证书和适用的州执照,以确保提供高质量患者护理所需的最高水平的专业知识和持续能力. Annual education is completed by each staff member of the department.

To schedule your outpatient diagnostic imaging service call 410.414.APPT.


诊断放射学 利用电磁辐射,任何身体部位的静止图像都可以在数字设备上产生,并传输到PACS监视器进行观看和解释. 这些x光可以通过使用便携式机器在设施的任何地方进行.

透视 shows dynamic images or images in motion by way of a monitor. This is used for monitoring the gastrointestinaI tract, 血管, 泌尿生殖系统, 注射针头指南, 起搏器插入, orthopedic surgeries and much more. This same technology is widely used in the operating room and pain management centers. Fluoroscopic procedures normally require the use of contrast media which is instilled, 摄入, 或者在手术过程中注射.

CT扫描 使用x射线、探测器和计算机设备来处理形成图像的算法. CT可以检测到组织密度的细微差异,可能提示异常的发现. 我们的现代, 多层CT扫描仪在中风服务中发挥了重要作用,我们提供了一个认可的铜奖中风中心. CT程序如肝脏, 肺, 或肾脏活检, 愿望, and drainages are also done in our CT suite.

核磁共振成像 uses very strong magnetic fields to align hydrogen nuclei within the body tissue. 当细胞核恢复到正常状态时发出信号,这些信号被放置在感兴趣区域的小线圈收集以生成图像. 随着科技的进步, 核磁共振成像提供了最好的组织对比,它已成为肌肉骨骼和神经放射学成像的首选.

超声波 利用高频声波提供人体软组织的实时成像. 超声波 uses no ionizing or exposing radiation so, 一般, it is considered safer than radiography and CT. 因此, it is largely used for obstetrical imaging as well as for imaging of abdominal organs, 心, 甲状腺, 生殖器官. 血管超声应用相同的物理和技术,集中于血管结构,如颈动脉, 主动脉, and various veins throughout the body . Thoracentesis and paracentesis studies are performed in our 超声波 area.

核医学 involves the use of radionuclides or radiopharmaceuticals which are swallowed, 吸入, or injected into the body and tagged to be taken up in specific organs. As the nuclides decay in the area, 它们发出的辐射被核照相机捕捉到,并通过计算机处理程序转换成图像. 这种方式是PET CT基础的一部分,PET CT也在位于CMAC大楼的Calvert医学成像中心进行. 我们还进行核心脏病学研究,包括与患者的心脏病专家一起进行的核心脏压力测试. 我们的核医学部门提供双重技术,包括CT,包括心脏最佳实践成像, 胃肠, 骨科研究, 以及传染病.

介入放射学 is the area commonly known as special procedures. 这些研究是由委员会认证的放射科医生完成的,包括血管造影术,这是对血管的研究, kyphoplasty to treat chronic spine pain, nephrology studies such as nephrostomy tubes and kidney biopsies, 插入透析导管, stent insertion to include Medicare-approved carotid stenting, 血栓切除术手术, UFE or uterine fibroid embolization, and other procedures such as Mediport and central line insertions.

中心静脉通路 或PICC服务是可用的,这表明使用周围插入的中心导管是一个长, 纤细的, 柔性导尿管通常插入上臂并向前推进,直到尖端到达心脏附近的大静脉. 超声用于确认放置位置,随后通常进行胸部x光检查以确保正确的最终放置位置. These lines are normally used for long-term antiobiotic treatment, 多路访问, nutrition and they are less invasive and used for longer periods than other methods.

介入放射学诊所 在此期间,介入放射科医生将与患者和家属会面,讨论病史, 已知的病态, 诊断测试, 治疗方案. 病人 are referred to the IR Clinic by their primary or consulting physicians.

Diagnostic 心导管检查 包括通过插入股动脉的导管显示心脏和相关血管. Upon insertion, contrast media is injected and images are seen on the monitor. 诊断性心导管插入术的目的是收集有关心脏和向该区域供血的器官和血管状况的信息. 在置管期间进行特殊的血流动力学监测,以记录有关患者心脏和冠状血管状况的相关信息. Cardiac catheterizations are performed by board certified cardiologists.


一般摄影: To schedule your outpatient diagnostic imaging service call 410.414.APPT. To contact the clinical 诊断成像 staff, call 410.535.8320 or 8318.

卡尔弗健康医疗中心 放射学 Dept-Open 24 hours per day

ChoiceOne 所罗门 紧急护理-Mon through Fri 2 -10 p.m. 周六和周日中午12点到10点.m.

ChoiceOne 敦刻尔克 紧急护理- Mon through Fri 5-10 p.m. 周六和周日中午12点到10点.m.

ChoiceOne 弗雷德里克王子 紧急护理- Mon through Fri 2 -10 p.m. 周六和周日中午12点到10点.m.

透视: To schedule your outpatient diagnostic imaging service call 410.414.APPT. To contact the clinical 诊断成像 staff, call 410.535.8317 或直接致电 410.414.4782 为调度.




CT扫描: To schedule your outpatient diagnostic imaging service call 410.414.APPT. To contact the clinical Diagnostic CT staff, call 410.535.8317 or 410.414.4782 为调度.


核磁共振成像: To schedule your outpatient diagnostic imaging service call 410.414.APPT. To contact the clinical Diagnostic 核磁共振成像 staff, call 410.414.2794.

卡尔弗健康医疗中心 Office Building Suite #103-Mon through Fri 8 a.m.-6 p.上午,周六/周日8点.m.-2 p.m.

超声: To schedule your outpatient diagnostic imaging service call 410.414.APPT. To contact the clinical Diagnostic 超声波 staff, call 410.414.4735.

卡尔弗健康医疗中心 Sunday through Saturday-7:00 am to 2:00 am


血管 超声波 (Non-Invasive 血管 Lab): 410.414.4539
卡尔弗健康医疗中心 - Mon through Fri 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
In 病人 and Emergency Department services daily
Daily community vascular screenings

核医学: To schedule your outpatient diagnostic imaging service call 410.414.APPT. To contact the clinical 诊断成像 staff, call 410.535.8322 - 410.414.6559.

卡尔弗健康医疗中心 - Mon through Fri 7:30 to 5:30

网上买球软件门诊病人心脏测试医疗办公大楼套房#303-周三和周五核心脏压力测试8 a.m.- 4 p.m.



Calvert Medical Arts Building-Calvert Medical Imaging Center-Mon through Fri

介入放射学 and PICC 服务: To schedule your outpatient diagnostic imaging service call 410.414.APPT. To contact the clinical Diagnostic Interventional staff, call 410.414.4719.

卡尔弗健康医疗中心 -Mon through Friday 7:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.
By appointment or physician request only
Weekend call for clinically indicated emergent cases


卡尔弗健康医疗中心 -Monday through Friday by appointment only per

网上买球软件 main campus-Mon through Fri 7 a.m.- 5 p.m.